Independent Junior Web Developer for hire
LAMP Developer:
Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP
A LAMP Developer uses the GNU/Linux Operating System, the Apache Web Server, the MariaDB or MySQL database and the PHP, Perl, Python and sometimes the Ruby Programming Language to create dynamic web pages.
Together these components make up the LAMP Stack, a commonly used platform for Web Developers creating server side web applications.
In Short...
From building a web presence to cloud server administration, I leverage the utilty of the LAMP Stack to create both dynamic & static websites and employ server daemons for network services.
I can offer support with any or all of the following... How may I be of help?
Web Development: Create minimalist web pages with server side programming via PHP and Perl Scripting
Webmaster: Build a website from the ground up, adapt an html template or maintain an existing website
Responsive Web Design: Write Code for all Devices ( Desktops, Tablets and Phones )
Managed Cloud Hosting: Administer your Ubuntu/Debian Linux Cloud Server
Database Administration: MySQL and MariaDB Database Management
Domain Registration: Search and Aquire a Domain Name
Basic Marketing: Manage Email Campaigns
Encrypt Web Traffic: Install a Website Security Certificate
DNS Management: Edit Nameserver Records
Security: Enable Firewall and Make Rule Changes
Backups: Regularly Save Database and Server Data
Code Conformity: Ensure web page html is valid HTML5
Note... Web pages listed below and written by me are valid HTML5 as confirmed by the html validator.
Web pages written in valid HTML are more likely to display correctly and predictably across different browsers and devices.
Some items I've been working on...
Code Recipes... on GitHub
Webmaster for Saratoga County, New York, A Course in Miracles Groups, Online Since 2012...
Owner of Archtop Shop LLC. Archtop Guitars, Strings, Accessories & Lessons
Photography Pastime...
- My Flickr Page Now owned by SmugMug.
- 35mm Black and White Film Photography is alive and well.
- I use, based in San Clemente, California, for film developing & prints. You also get a DVD with your photos and scans are posted online for those who can't wait for prints to arrive. And you keep your negatives!

My Nikon FG 35mm Film Camera
- I am a Jazz Guitar Student and an Aspiring Coffee Shop Musician.
- Does this ring true? "A Rock Guitarist plays four chords for thousands while a Jazz Guitarist plays thousands of chords for four." :-)
My D'Angelico Flamed Maple Semi-Hollowbody Guitar
Payments and Donations...
- I use PayPal® for secure payments.
- Make a donation if you would like to use, support or add functionality to any Code Recipes or Projects on this site.
- Make a payment for both up front and completed Web Developer and Server Administration work.
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Page Last Updated: February 7th, 2025
Copyright © 2025